Title: Un otro sentimiento del tiempo
Photographer(s): Armindo Cardoso
Writer(s): Ana Tironi Barrios, Margarita Alvarado Pérez, Marta Harnecker, Faride Zeràan, Jorge Baradit
Designer(s): Felipe Leal T.
Publisher(s): Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Year: 2015
Print run: 1000
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 180
Size: 17 x 23 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Quand/Graphics, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Chile, 1970-1973
Portuguese photographer Armindo Cardoso arrived in Chile in 1969. A privileged observer of the social, economic and political transformations of the time, he left a unique photographic legacy of the Unidad Popular.
Through his work and his closeness to the Unidad Popular government, Armindo Cardoso has portrayed political leaders and the most symbolic milestones that marked the Unidad Popular, such as Fidel Castro's visit to Chile, the expropriation of the Sumar and Yarur factories, and the May Day celebrations between 1971 and 1973, the inauguration of Unctad III, the landing in Talcahuano of Cuba's sugar donation and Salvador Allende's visit to Lo Hermida, the Agrarian Reform and the incorporation of the military into the political cabinet, as well as traditional rituals of national democracy such as the military parade and the Tedeum.
As part of the National Library's policy of recovering its documentary heritage on a permanent basis, between 2013 and 2014 the Armindo Cardoso Collection, consisting of over 4,000 black and white negatives, was acquired.