Title: Srpen 1968- RESPEKT příloha srpen 1990
Photographer(s): Josef Koudelka
Writer(s): Anna Fárová, Josef Koudelka
Designer(s): Studio RR, Marek Hlupý, Viktor Karlik, Michal Singer, Mirolsav Šimáček
Publisher(s): Nezávislé tiskové středisko, Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 1990
Print run:
Language(s): Czech
Pages: 32
Size: 27,5 x 33 cm
Binding: Journal
Print: Nezávislé tiskové středisko, Prague, Czech Republic
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Czech Republic, 1968

Prague August 1968, troops from five Warsaw Pact countries invaded the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR) putting an end to the ‘Prague Spring’ was a period of political liberalization and mass protests in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the attempted reform of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Josef Koudelka, a member of the legendary ‘Magnum’ photo agency since 1971, photographed those events but could not sign those images, which remained anonymous until 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell and he finally published the images of those August days in Prague with this newspaper.