Photographer(s) : David Fenton
Writer(s) :Ericka Huggin, Bobby Seale
Designer(s): Neil Shakery
Publisher(s):Douglas Book Corporation, New York, U.S.A.
Year :1971
Print run :
Language(s) : English
Pages :111
Size :20 x 28 cm
Binding :Softcover
Edition :
Print : Printed in U.S.A.
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest : U.S.A., 1968-1970
SHOTS is a living chronicle of America's present and a prophetic vision of its future. It sweeps from Washington to Vietnam, Columbia to Berkley, Oakland to Chicago. Its protagonists include students and soldiers, Panthers and the President, the poor and the rich, the hip and the straight.
This work of David Fentont for the Liberation news Service (LNS) places him as an activist in the radical movement where he worked more than three years. LNS was founded by a group of young revolutionaries seeking to correct the distortions of the establishment media. It currently services more than 600 underground, college and Third World newspapers with twice-weekly packets of radical news photographs and analysis. LNS is headquartered in New York and maintains correspondents in most major American cities and at strategic points around the globe - including Vietnam, Jordan and Cuba.