Title: Pékin 1966, petites histoires de la révolution culturelle
Photographer(s): Solange Brand
Writer(s): Zhou Xiao Hua, Ye Xin, Wu Diet Yang Yang, Zhang Feng and Wand Qingson, Gau Hui Jun, He Jia Dong, Guo Wan Xin, Per Olow Leijon, Kate Fletcher, Solange Brand
Designer(s): Kate Fletcher
Publisher(s): L’oeil electronique editions, Rennes, France
Year: 2005
Print run: 500
Language(s): French
Pages: 180
Size: 22 x 29 cm
Binding: Hardcover, Leporello
Print: ITC Clearface - Pastelaria
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: China,1966
ISBN: 9782951648418
Published by L’oeil electronique editions, Solange Brand’s_Pekin 1966_is a photographic memoir documenting the beginnings of Mao’s cultural revolution through the eyes of a then 20 year old Brand. The youngest member of the French Embassy at the time, Solange Brand left France, accepting a position at the French Embassy in Pekin for a period of 3 years. Exploring the city and culture of Pekin, Solange Brand delved into her new found environment. Thrown into the midst of Mao’s cultural revolution, Brand’s images capture the images of the young, her peers, similar in age but part of a very different cultural world where both photographer and photographed were just as equally curious of the other, bound and connected in a mutual relationship of youth and what it meant to be young in 1966, Pekin.