Title: Porque te cela. Porque te quiere.Porque no puede. Violencia de género. Mujeres quemadas.
Photographer(s): Sebastian Pani,Belén Grosso
Writer(s): Selva Almada, Emmanuel Theumer
Designer(s): Victoria Quintiero
Publisher(s): Turma Associacion civil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Year: 2018
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 36
Size: 24 x 32 cm
Binding: Softcover
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Argentina,2017
ISBN: 9789874695307

Some types of violence can be PHYSICAL if it mistreats you, causes you harm, pain or endangers your body. SEXUAL if it violates - with or without access to your genitals - your right to decide about your sexual or reproductive life, by threats, force or intimidation. PSYCHOLOGICAL if it causes you emotional harm, affects your self-esteem and personal development, degrades you, controls your actions, beliefs and decisions with threats, harassment, humiliation, manipulation and isolation. ECONOMIC AND HERITAGE if it seeks to undermine your economic resources or assets through actions that include the loss, control and restriction of your assets and income. SYMBOLIC if it seeks to subordinate women in society through the transmission and reproduction of stereotypical models, messages, values and icons that promote domination, inequality and discrimination.