Title: Nicaragua sandinista: frammenti di una rivoluzione
Photographer(s): Claudia Gordillo
Writer(s): Luciano D'Alessandro, Noel Rivas Bravo, Ricardo Peter
Publisher(s): L'Alfabeto Urbano, Edizioni Sintesi, NdR/Napoli, Italy
Year: 1987
Print run:
Language(s): Italian, Spanish
Pages: 76
Size: 22,5 x 23 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Arte Tipografica, Napoli, Italy
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Nicaragua,1980 -1985
The main triumph of the Sandinista revolution is not in overthrowing a long and vicious dictatorship, but in overthrowing the system of false values it produced. Somozism was not just a voracious class, but the triumph of the philosophy of voracity. Therefore, it is not possible to understand what characterizes the Nicaraguan revolution without taking into account its function in transforming and shaping a new society.
By Ricardo Peter introduction