Title: MAI 1968 La révolte en images
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Editor(s): Laurent Chollet
Writer(s): Michel Le Bris
Designer(s): Joel Taton
Publisher(s): Hors Collection, Paris, France
Year: 2007
Print run:
Language(s): French
Pages: 110
Size: 26 x 26 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: IME, France
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: World, 1968
ISBN: 9782258073142
From one decade to the next, the events of May 1968 continue to occupy a special place in the collective memory, fuelling both controversy and nostalgia. Confusion quickly arose between the revolt of spring 1968 and its effects in the following years. Confusing a mosaic of currents, ideas and actions of the 1970s with their 'spark' led - as it does today - to countless misunderstandings. Who remembers the France of the pre-'68 era? The France of Gabin and Funès, of Bellus and Asterix, the France of censorship and indecency... the France of the General and of Aunt Yvonne! "France is bored", said the editorial writer of Le Monde, Pierre Viansson-Ponté, on 15 March 1968. For several years already, a handful of active minorities had been trying to "transform the world". That spring, nearly ten million French people took their desires for realities... This album, richly illustrated with rare or unpublished documents, sweeps away preconceived ideas in order to restore the largest strike in French history to its time.