Title: Kenyatta. A photographic biography
Photographer(s): Anthony Howarth
Writer(s): Anthony Howarth
Designer(s): Ian Howes, Anthony Howarth
Publisher(s): East African Publishing House, Nairobi, Kenya
Year: 1967
Print run:
Language(s): English
Pages: 162
Size: 3 x 30.5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: East African Institute Press,Nairobi, Kenya
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Kenya, 1889-197

Jomo Kenyatta's life, from birth to presidency, spans the entire colonial period in the history of Kenya. Since the early twenties, as a professional politician, he has campaigned in the villages and towns of Kenya and in the cities of Europe for the rights of Africans. Tragically the equality and the social justice so often promised did not come until Kenya had been torn apart by violence and Kenyatta had spent nearly nine years in detention.