Title: Ikari wo hibi no tate ni - Anger is our daily bread
Photographer(s): Kurihara Tatsuo
Writer(s): Nakajima Makoto
Designer(s): Makoto Naka
Publisher(s): Tojusha, Tokyo, Japan
Year: 1969
Print run:
Language(s): Japanese
Pages: 166
Size: 19 x 26 cm
Binding: Softcover dust jacket with obi
Print: Sanyodo Insatsu, Tokyo, Japan
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Japan, 1968
Tatsuo Kurihara raised in a downtown area of Tokyo. Although he progressed to a private prestigious opening junior high school and high school, he was not convinced by the education of supremacy, and transferred. He decided to aspire to be a photographer in order to appeal the evil and contradiction of the world through photograph. Went to Waseda University to study politics with a focus on news photos and joined a photo circle. Therefore, will serve as an assistant for news photo pioneer Hiroshi Sugaya and participate in battle scenes across the country. After graduation, he worked for the Asahi Shimbun photo department and became free in 1967. Since then, he has been active as a journalist covering Okinawa and Japan's coal mines, etc., moved to the United States temporarily since the 1970s, and then actively worked on documentary creation as well as journalism. This book is a collection of works published in 1969, literally spelling out the record of student struggles. A photographer's desperate documentary report that he always filmed at the forefront of bloodshed.