Title: Het feest dat Wiegel wilde
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Designer(s):Dick Breebaart
Publisher(s): De Uitbuyt Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Year: 1980
Print run:
Language(s): Dutch
Pages: 72
Size: 24 x 34 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: SSN, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: The Netherlands,1980
ISBN: 9062608027
Photo-documentation of the riots that ensued during the coronation and inauguration of Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. At the time there was great social unrest, the economic situation was difficult and there was a great housing shortage. The large squatter movement under the motto “no home, no coronation” planned to disrupt the proceedings to give attention to their cause. The day would culminate in a series of battles between police and demonstrators leaving over 100 rioters and 93 police officers injured.