Title: Gorleben, Republik Freies Wendland
Photographer(s): Burckhard Kretschmann
Writer(s): Burckhard Kretschmann
Publisher(s): Selbstverglag, Frankfurt, Germany
Year: 1980
Print run:
Language(s): German
Pages: 56
Size: 17 x 23 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: ASH Druck, Oberursel, Germany
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Germany, 1980
On 3 May 1980, the protest in Wendland reached a climax: several thousand opponents of nuclear power marched through the forest and occupied the 1004 deep drilling site. There they proclaimed their own state, the 'Free Republic of Wendland' or 'Republic of Free Wendland'. Republic of Free Wendland' - not taken seriously here. The chosen piece of land does not look particularly inviting: a bare, sandy, cleared forest where boreholes are drilled to see if the underground salt dome is suitable for a final repository.
A tree trunk serves as a border crossing. There, opponents of nuclear energy and the new inhabitants have posted a warning sign that reads: 'Stop, Germany. Be careful, firearms'. By paying 10 DM whoever arrives receives a stamped 'Wendenpass'. From now on, several hundred people live on the site every day. On weekends, thousands of sympathisers and curious tourists flock here. Among the visitors is the then head of Juso Gerhard Schröder, who spoke out against the eviction.