Title: Genosse Aggressor. Prag im August 1968
Photographer(s): Vaclav Svoboda
Writer(s): Hugo Pepper
Designer(s): Georg Prech tl
Publisher(s): Europa Verlag Wien, Wien, Austria
Year: 1968
Print run:
Language(s): German
Pages: 142
Size: 20 x 24 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Volksbuchverlag, Wien, Austria
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Czech Republic,1968
Will the “ Ten Days” of Prague, those dramatic days of resistance of an entire people against insidious military aggression, shock the world in the same way in those ten days of 1917 that John Reed so enthusiastically described?
The tragedy of Prague is the responsibility of the children of the Russian revolutionaries of October 1917. This text-image volume contains the chronological sequence of events from the perspective of a Czechoslovak citizen who was directly touched
By the Introductions book.