Title: En negro y blanco: Fotografias del Cordobazo al Juicio a las Juntas
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): Pablo Cerolini, Alejandro Reynoso, Jorge Durán, José Nun, Maria Seoane, Carlos Altamirano, Eduardo Longoni, Estela de Carlotto
Designer(s): Gustavo Lo Valvo
Publisher(s): Autores Editores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Year: 2006
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 190
Size: 20 x 28 cm
Binding: Softcover
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Argentina,1969-1985
ISBN: 978-9870506508
There are images recorded with the force of symbols of an era: Massera, Videla and Agosti with arms raised celebrate the Argentine national team's goal in the final against Holland. The official stage at Ezeiza, in the event that was to celebrate Perón's return, controlled by men raising their arms. The policeman hugging his mother with the white scarf crying on his chest, a photo that won the King of Spain Award in 1983. Like these, many other lesser-known images speak without words, shout out a recent history, with the distance that black and white imposes. The book In Black and White. Photographs from the Cordobazo to the Juicio a las Juntas, compiled by Pablo Cerolini and Alejandro Reynoso, brings together one hundred and sixty images that, presented in chronological order, are a testimony that provides faces and gestures to history