Title: Cronica insingerata a Bucurestiului in revolutie 1990
Photographer(s): Bogdan Ovidiu, Ilie Bumbac, Codruta Dragogescu, Sorin Lupsa, Corneliu Mocanu
Writer(s): Stefan Mitroi
Designer(s): Gabriel Florea
Publisher(s): Tineretul Liber, Bucarest, Romanian
Year: 1990
Print run:
Language(s): Romanian, French, English
Pages: 100
Size: 24 x 32 cm
Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket
Print:I.P.Arta Grafica, Bucarest, Romanian
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Romanian, 1990
In 1989 broke out in Bucharest the Revolution that led to the fall of the communist regime. After a night of fire, Ceauseascu fled, the power remained briefly in the hands of the people in the streets. Demonstrations in Timisoara on December 15, 1989, in response to the government's attempt to expel Reformed pastor László Tőkés, For a few days, Tőkés' faithful gathered around his home to protect him. Many passersby, including religious students, joined the protest, initially not knowing the real motives and only discovering later that it was against a new attempt by the communist regime to repress religious freedom.
Returning from Iran on December 20, Ceaușescu found the situation in the country further deteriorated. At 7:00 p.m. he made a live televised statement from the Central Committee headquarters, in which he labeled the Timișoara Protestants as enemies of the Socialist Revolution.
Ceaușescu thought his attempts to suppress the protests had succeeded. The increasingly violent protests reached a climax with the trial and execution of Ceaușescu and his wife Elena.