Title: Chile: el archivio fotografico 1973-1974
Photographer(s): Chas Gerretsen
Writer(s): Chas Gerretsen, Joseph Novitski
Designer(s): Sybren Kuiper
Publisher(s): RM Verlag, Barcelona,Spain - Mexico City, Mexico
Year: 2023
Print run:
Language(s): Spanish
Pages: 296
Size: 21 x 27,5 cm
Binding: Softcover
Print: Gavà, Barcelona, Spain
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Chile, 1973-1974
ISBN: 978-84-19233-62-2
Gerretsen is a renowned and prestigious photojournalist who has worked in conflict zones, as well as being a sought-after portrait photographer in Hollywood.
Gerretsen received the prestigious Robert Capa Gold Medal for his images of Chile in 1973.
He undertook the monumental task of sifting through an archive of more than 8,000 photographs and selected more than 300, many of them previously unpublished.
In 1973, Dutch photojournalist Chas Gerretsen spent nine months in Santiago de Chile. The photographs he took at that time, now historic, correspond to the last months of Salvador Allende's government and the violent military coup that led to the Pinochet regime, to which he was a direct witness. In 1974, Chas returned twice to Chile to document the changes in the country.
Fifty years after the coup d'état in Chile, Gerretsen says, "I hope that these images will become part of Chile's historical and political memory, and that this book will serve as a reminder of the past and help future generations not to make the same mistakes."