Title: Bayan Ko! Immagini della rivolta filippina
Photographer(s): Various photographers
Writer(s): A.Lin Neumann, Guy Sacerdoti, Sandro Tucci, Robin Moyer, Andy Hernandez, Willy Vicoy, Noli Yamsuan
Designer(s): Henry Steiner
Publisher(s): Jaca Book, Milano, Italy
Year: 1987
Print run:
Language(s): Italian
Pages: 192
Size: 23,5 x 31 cm
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 1st Bookworld Services,HongKong,1986
Print:Ying Wai, Hong Kong
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest: Philippines,1986
On 21 August 1983, Benigno Aquino, the Philippine opposition leader, was shot dead. This marked the start of a long period of crisis for the Philippines and its president Ferdinand Marcos, who had ruled the country for more than twenty years and was the expression of abuse and corruption. Marcos, wherever he went in the country, would be faced with the protest of the people led by Cory Aquino, Benigno's widow, with the army and the people playing their parts as arbiters of the country's destiny.