Photographer(s) : Edited by Halil Koyutürk
Writer(s) : Ertugrul Kürkçü
Designer(s): Mathias Grate
Publisher(s): Focuskop Fotoform, Stockholm,Sweden
Year : 2007
Print run :
Language(s) : English, Turkish, Swedish
Pages : 160
Size : 21 x 28 cm
Binding : Softcover with dust jacket
Edition :
Print : Printed by Grafisign Farsta, Sweden
Nation(s) and year(s) of Protest : Turkey,1968-72
ISBN : 978-9163306549

I received these photographs on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the 68- movement in Turkey. The photographs were hidden and saved by the members of the 68- movement until that time.
Photographs were taken in different neighborhoods of Istanbul, Tokat, Niksar and Kizildere and in many other places all around Turkey.
When I found out about the photographs, I asked for permission to publish them. These pictures have created this book.In their raw form,, without any manipulation ...
Some of the pictures are from the massacre in Kizildere .
And the text is written by the person "who heard the voice of blood", the only person who survived this massacre.
It is a very special text for the young generation of today, the generation whose history is deliberately manipulated, hidden and not told.
The photographs has a language that everyone can understand without any historical knowledge.
My wish is that something like this will never be repeated.
And I hope that our children live in a world full of peace and freedom without oppression (in uniform or without). A world of humanism and equality.
Is Kizildere a beginning or an end?
Let us leave the story to the photographs
Introduction text by Halil Koyutürk